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Spiderman Battles the Goblin While Gwen Stacy's Life is at Stake

ASM 121: Because I could see it coming, the story line was just awful. They made Parker catch some sort of flu after coming back from Canada, where he fought the Hulk (and was investigating other matters). Apparently, the cold weather (up there) did him in. Always, the flu has been dangerous to Spidey, because it makes him lose his powers. Prior issues see him unable to stick to walls in extreme cases. He has trouble with certain kinds of coordination, like when landing or flipping (or whatever) after swinging. So, he's sick in ASM 121 just as the Goblin emerges. Trouble is, only the Goblin knows his real identity. So the Goblin strikes at his weak spot, capturing his girlfriend. In this scene, Spiderman tries to knock out Goblin in one perfectly timed attack, hoping that he can save Gwen and sling away. He knows he can't continue to fight. Stacy, right now, is unconscious atop a bridge.

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