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The Goblin Returns

ASM 96: Perhaps not the most of memorable moments, but at least a great drawing.


Peter Parker Accidentally Sprouts Four Extra Arms

ASM 100. The writers must have wanted something special for the 100th issue. This is happening just as Gwen Stacy moved back from London because she missed Peter. The two have each private thoughts about wanting to marry each other. The question is close to being popped. Somehow, this seems like it would be an "issue."

Doc Ock Strikes Again

ASM 112: Not a particularly uncommon story, but the art work is classic Romita. Look how good it looks. No wonder Spidey came to life when Romita started drawing. And it's not just him, of course -- it's those who were brought in to successfully copy and work within his influence.


Aunt May Knocks Out Spiderman

ASM 114: Aunt May went missing for several issues. It was thought that she left because of comments that Gwen Stacy made to her about being overly protective and maternal with Peter. As it turns out, she ended up spending time with Doctor Octavius, for whom she has affection. When Spidey learns that Doc Ock may have Aunt May, he thinks it is a kidnapping situation. He breaks into the house where Ock is, hoping to rescue May. But unbeknownst to him, May clubs him with a vase, thinking Spiderman to be a intruder. There was no spider sense to warn Parker, because Aunt May would be perceived as being friendly.

Aunt May Tries to Kill Spiderman

ASM 115: Spidey is still trying to rescue May from what he thinks is a kidnapping situation. He doesn't realize she likes Octavius. So after just plastering Ock with everything he had, he turns to see a gun only inches away. He can't sense any danger when May points a gun at him, because his Spider sense thinks May is friendly. This is a very important detail. Without spider sense, anyone with a gun could theoretically injure Spiderman critically, as he is not bullet proof. His most important fighting attributes consist in having an early warning system (spider sense) and the ability to be agile and very quick. It this scene, it is only May's slight delay in pulling the trigger that allows him to escape. Good stuff.