Explaining Language Games and Grammar

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I have not said anything that controverted W's idea of "something being hidden." I have not spoken of the "thought of pain," for example. The question is this: is the idea of "grammar" for Wittgensteinian-inspired folk: (a) an automation in the brain; (b) an autonomy in the brain (free-for-all); or (c) a anthropologic derivative used in a behavior.
The answer is clearly (c). Language is use, and use can be stupid.
Larry's posts about the concept of language game imply a conception of grammar that is too normative (too automated).
Regards. Dr. Sean Wilson, Esq. Assistant ProfessorWright State UniversityNew Website: http://seanwilson.org/Daily Visitors: http://seanwilson.org/homepagelucy.htmlSSRN papers: http://ssrn.com/author=596860
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