The Legacy of President Obama

The president is indeed cementing quite an impressive legacy. He corrected the financial collapse and had a second-term economy that was very impressive. He gave the country health care while keeping federal spending at 20% of GDP -- which, today, is lower than Reagan. He kept faith with the neoliberal economics (the Clinton tax rates, federal reserve policies, free trade), and did not move Democrats too far to the left. He brought about major advances in solar power, something that will pay huge dividends in the future. He continued to foster the power and efficacy of the modern presidency (Hamilton would be proud). He killed Bin Laden. In fact, he killed many terrorist leaders, very efficiently. He lead on matters of state in conjunction with Western allies -- dealing, e.g., with Russia in an effective way. He tried to garner innovative alliances that would alter power relationships (Iran). His administration was witness to historic Supreme Court precedents, and his appointees -- both women -- seem to have been especially good picks. I'm already a big Kagan fan. I don't know that there has been another president in history who appointed so many good women (Janet Yellen is Fed chair). He endured a massive smear campaign all throughout the process. His enemies desperately wanted to make him a failure. The truth is: they were outdated failures, and history witnessed their pathology. He beat them twice. And he got his way despite a Congress that tried to obstruct him. All the while, he stayed above the fray, always being positive (optimistic). He was kind and uplifting. He was intelligent and dashing -- something we haven't seen since Jack Kennedy. He was a great role model for kids. He was the first African American president, and, predictably, he survived not only vitriolic hate, but an opposition culture that went fanatic and berserk (Tea Party). He'll leave office with a deficit that is back to normal in the post-Reagan era and an unemployment rate that will be in the 4% range.
And most importantly, he played the game for the long run. He never played for short term gain. He was always thinking about tomorrow. A very good president -- every bit as good as Bill Clinton. I'm proud of this president: I'm proud of who he is.

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