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Surviving Hitler: A Love Story

Watched Surviving Hitler: A Love Story on Netflix. Very good. Grade: A. But I'm pissed that there is no info on either Wikipedia or the rest of the net on these people. I mean, it's like we live in the dark ages again. No Wikipedia page? I can't find the cause of death of Helmuth Cords in 1972. He was only 52. Strange they would not tell you in the movie. I mean, think about it. If it was cancer, e.g., they would have said so. Same if it was a car accident. Why isn't it mentioned? I'm freakin out here that this thing isn't right at my disposal right now. You know, like the system is broken or something. What did the world do before there was Wikipedia or Google? Like, how did it function?

Reader Comments (2)

He worked as a chemist and researched chloroform... (read the article that he wrote)
Maybe he simply got sick from it and died young.

July 21, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermanjaca

... I don't know why they wouldn't have mentioned it. It's strange they don't talk about it.

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterWilson

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