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The Wolverine

Saw The Wolverine yesterday. I liked it. It gets harder and harder to make these movies, because sequels tend to get stupid. Witness Jaws and Pirates of the Caribbean. But like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter – which really didn't have “sequels” as I mean that term – these continuing installments hold their own. I was entertained throughout. I have always liked Hugh Jackman in these films. In fact, I've become a fan of him generally. When he first started playing Logan, it reminded me of the way Clint Eastwood might have played the character in his younger years. Anyway, I liked the film. I like the way Logan is tormented. There is an honesty and a sincerity in how we was hurt in life, and how he dealt with it – and I can relate to it. I had bit of a problem with the ending, specifically, the person who “popped out of the cake.” But it wouldn't do any good to quibble. Grade: A-.

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