Peter Parker Realizes That Mary Jane is the One
ASM 150. Amid the brief return of the Gwen Stacy clone, the status of Parker's interest with Mary Jane became somewhat uncertain. She had already become a girlfriend of sorts after the airport kiss, but the emergence of the Stacy clone had caused him uncertain feelings. Here, the moment of clarity's is announced. It should be noted, however, that the relationship goes on to develop at a snail's pace, with on-again/off-again features. This seems to confirm my long-held thesis: the writers didn't want to return to the way things were when Parker had a relationship that was equal to the villains he was fighting. They wanted relationships to be convenient, in the hero's "down time" -- because they could not handle complex story lines. This tradition continues after Conway moves on. Hence, MJ appears in Parker's life only as convenience allows. (This is a point that actually causes he some irritation).)