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The End of the Spider Mobile

ASM 141. Mysterio's mischief causes Spiderman to accidentally drive the Spider Mobile off a pier, into the river. He thought the peer was an alley, because of the illusions Mysterious was causing. This officially marks the end of the Spider Mobile, which was a very stupid idea.

(Of course, it does come back again as an enemy about 20 issues later, attacking Spiderman by remote control at the hands of none other than the Tinkerer, who true blue fans will remember as being a ridiculous but memorable creation way back in, perhaps, ASM 2. If it wasn't issue 2, it was close: easily within the first 10. Anyway, it was good to see that guy come out of nowhere).


Spiderman Battles The Cyclone

ASM 143. Nothing great here. Just included it for its contribution to full-page art.


Peter Parker and Mary Jane's First Kiss

ASM 143. Here is the first panel where Parker and MJ become an item, officially. At least, they become "itemish." It's a bit of a rocky thing: on and off. It really never goes "off," it just gets interrupted, first by the clone of Gwen Stacy and then by Parker's constant disappearances during the dates (because he has to go fight someone as Spiderman). MJ doesn't know his identity, and thinks Peter is disappearing all of the time because or his need to be a news photographer. So something breaks, and he goes to photo it. She resents this because: (a) it isn't normal; and (b) she thinks he goes overboard with it. Fundamentally, she doesn't like being a contingent girlfriend. It is interesting, though, given my speculation as to why the writers killed off Gwen Stacy. It seems that they always wanted the relationship part never to get in the way with the other parts of the story. In short, they always wanted a contingent (convenient) girlfriend. They couldn't do that with Stacy, because she had become as important as the villains in the storyline, and because Stan Lee was no longer writing. Anyway, I already coved that. The point for now is that this is the first kiss between Parker and MJ.


The Gwen Stacy Clone Appears

ASM 144. This is the first appearance of the Gwen Stacy clone that was made by the Jackal. We don't find out any of this until much later. In the sci-fi fantasies of the writers, a person could be cloned rather quickly and would appear as they were in adult form, even having their memories -- but still, somehow, being confused about the whole thing. Short story: it was a bad idea. Which is why they quickly had the clone leave Peter's complicated life, something the real Gwen wouldn't do. I often wonder to what extent this offered the writers some cover for deep sixing Stacy while also getting more drama points.


Spiderman Battles the Scorpion 

ASM 145: being noted for its value in full-page art.