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Stuart W. Mirsky
Kirby Urner
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Stuart W. Mirsky (Stuart W. Mirsky is the principal author of this blog).
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Welcome Holiday Campers!

This is the new and improved Serious Philosophy site. Our home office has moved and we've erected completely new infrastructure. Our crack team of experts is on the spot, ready to take your questions and explain why you are wrong. Starring, at first, Stuart Mirsky, author of historical fiction and passionate advocate for his views, as well as Dr. Esq. and several others who we hope shall soon join our blog team. Program note: If you want to be on the team, send me an email. Also, would be good to have a Disqus profile.

Archive: Kirby Urner 

Kirby Urner wrote his thesis on Wittgenstein's later philosophy under Richard Rorty at Princeton University. He currently serves on the board of the Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy. See more here.

Archive: Stuart Mirsky

Stuart W. Mirsky writes historical fiction. He is the author of The King of Vinland's Saga. Stuart also has interests in philosophy, particularly philosophy of mind.

Archive: Sean Wilson

Sean Wilson is a Wittgensteinian politicologist at Wright State University. He is the author of The Flexible Constitution. See more here.
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